Related Services

Related services are provided to help a student make the most of his or her special education learning opportunities. Determined by evaluation and delineated in the IEP, our schools provide various support services, according to assessed needs.

Speech and Language Therapy

New Road Schools provides individualized speech programs to maximize the eligible student's speech and language development.
Our certified

One-on-one speech instruction

speech pathologists help the student develop vocabulary and conceptual understanding, and engage in appropriate and relevant pragmatic problem-solving skills.

Occupational Therapy at New Road School Ocean

Occupational Therapy

Occupational therapy (OT) helps students with sensory, perceptual and motor problems to better meet the daily demands of their environment. Our Certified Occupational Therapists use neuro-development treatment activities and sensory integration exercises as primary modes of treatment. OT is also integrated with each school's Career Education and Transition Program to ensure that the eligible students' needs in vocational experiences are met.

Physical Therapy

Physical therapy is a related service addressing performance skills if a child's disability impacts his or her ability to access, participate, and/or to make progress in natural learning environments. Certified physical therapists recommend strategies, modifications, and adaptive aids to improve school performance, to ensure each student's access to and inclusion in all school activities. New Road Schools' therapists develop activities to improve large muscle control and balance, promote sensorimotor development (body awareness, postural control), and promote independence in functional mobility skills.


Counseling services are provided as a mandated related service in the IEP or at a parent's/teacher's request. Supportive counseling helps students develop age-appropriate social and emotional skills in order to increase classroom functioning. Group counseling builds self-esteem and educates students on social topics that they may encounter during school. Career and vocational counseling are also available to enhance and improve work-related attitudes, responsibilities, and motivation levels. Counseling staff also work with teachers and parents to design programs for school and home to promote and generalize social and emotional growth.

Social Skills Training

New Road Schools social skills programs use direct teaching, activity-based lessons, and role-playing to teach adaptive social skills. Social skills learning frequently provides positive synergistic effects in other learning areas, and paves the way for success in family relationships, work experiences, and independent living.

Physical Education

All New Road students participate in physical education, and, as needed, instruction and activities are modified for the individual student. Our physical education teachers design activities to improve muscle tone, coordination, flexibility, and motor skills. Students also learn teamwork, adherence to game rules, cooperation with peers, and good sportsmanship.

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